2011 Czech Open and the Q-School

24. July 2011

I am very pleased to announce that I will be playing in this year’s Czech Open again. I got the word that I will be playing in the tournament only few days back and will be able to do so mostly to Andrej Buchamer and the ASBIS corporation. I have learned a lot since last year’s Czech Open. I know what to expect now when I get there so I should be lot more comfortable during the tournament on and off the course. This should translate into better scores than during last year’s rounds. I truly believe I can do really well this year.

Earlier this week I also submitted my application for the European Tour Q-school. I have already been accepted and placed for the first stage. I will be playing mid September in Austria. I have never played the course but it is relatively close by so I will try to get as much practice on it as possible. I am anxious to see how Q-school works but I am also curious to see the competition. This will kind of give me idea where I stand and what I still need to work on.

I would not be able to play in the Czech Open nor the Q-school if it wasn’t for my two main sponsors: ASBIS SK and Homola Inc.. They both helped me significantly along with my parents who are always there for me trying to take all non golf related tasks off of me. I really appreciate all their support and help and hope to pay them back by playing great in both events.

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About me

Jeden z najúspešnejších slovenských golfistov. 6-násobný majster Slovenska v golfe. Víťaz slovenského profesionálneho rebríčka v rokoch 2011-2015. Profesionál roka 2015. Prvý slovenský profesionál, ktorý vyhral profesionálny turnaj mimo územia Slovenska. Spoluzakladateľ a hlavný profesionál Best Swing Golf Academy.


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+421 905 335 501