Mental Game

27. October 2010

Golf psychology – the mental game within the game – is an important aspect for most of us. A negative thought can become a self-fulfilling thought. Learn how to take a more positive approach to the game with these mental game tips.
Here is story about Jack Nicklaus and his reaction to a missed putt. A fan said to Jack after he missed a short putt, “Sorry you missed that one, Jack.” Jack’s response was: “I didn’t miss the putt. It just didn’t go in.”
Jack was right. He hit the line and speed he wanted, so in his mind everything was fine. This mental approach protected his self-image and allowed him to move on without dwelling on it like many of us do after missing a short putt. By doing so, he prevented the miss from affecting his self-confidence on future putts. In other words, he just let it go!
Getting mad at yourself over a lack of performance is non-productive and can erode your confidence. The human body is not a machine. Some days it works better that others, and for many different reasons.
So when you see yourself starting to get mad or losing your focus, think to yourself, “I did the best I could, given all the circumstances,” and let it end there.

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