
Golf Arena

The Golf Arena is an indoor practice facility in Bratislava Slovakia that was opened early November 2010. The golfers can benefit from the services provided daily from 10:00am till 10:00pm but larger group can be accommodated outside of these hours.

The Golf Arena has its own practice area for putting and additional four tees that golfers can hit balls from into a net that is little less than 40 feet away. Very shortly the every tee box will be equipped with state of the art electronic devices that measure ball speed, ball direction, and are helpful when analyzing the golf swing. The Golf Arena’s mission is to provide golfers with practice facilities that can be used all around the year but with the main focus on the winter months. The Golf Arena is located within Bratislava city limits right next to a public transportation bus stop which is very convenient for children that do not have a driver’s license yet and would like to practice on regular basis. Golfers are not limited only to their own practice session when they come to Golf Arena; a golf professional, Maros Gajan is available during opening hours to give lesson to anyone that might need it.

The Golf Arena is equipped with the most modern equipment and the staff is well trained in order for the customers to have the best experience possible. Variety of non-alcoholic beverages and snacks are offered at the bar for those who need refreshment.

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About me

Jeden z najúspešnejších slovenských golfistov. 6-násobný majster Slovenska v golfe. Víťaz slovenského profesionálneho rebríčka v rokoch 2011-2015. Profesionál roka 2015. Prvý slovenský profesionál, ktorý vyhral profesionálny turnaj mimo územia Slovenska. Spoluzakladateľ a hlavný profesionál Best Swing Golf Academy.


Golfový profesionál

+421 905 335 501