
Homola Inc.

Homola Inc. was founded in 1990 in Slovakia, Bratislava. Its primary business areas became sale and service of automotive service equipment. The company also offers customers delivery of equipment, installation, training of customers, calibration of the equipment and warranty and post warranty service.

Homola Inc. focuses heavily on regular training of its employees to improve their abilities and qualifications. The employees take part in multiple seminars a year including the ISO 9001 certification. The company’s training is not limited only to Slovakia as the company’s operations are in multiple countries.

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Jeden z najúspešnejších slovenských golfistov. 6-násobný majster Slovenska v golfe. Víťaz slovenského profesionálneho rebríčka v rokoch 2011-2015. Profesionál roka 2015. Prvý slovenský profesionál, ktorý vyhral profesionálny turnaj mimo územia Slovenska. Spoluzakladateľ a hlavný profesionál Best Swing Golf Academy.


Golfový profesionál

+421 905 335 501