Second Run on the Czech Open

01. August 2011

Published in Golf REVUE

During the summer Peter Svajlen returned to Europe and competes in nearby tournaments. He will be the only one representing Slovakia in this tournament again this year.

It is certain now that you will be playing in this year’s Czech Open in Celadna. Last year you played in a qualifying to get in the tournament, how did you get in this year?

The promoter of the tournament decided not to have qualifying this year. I can be thankful for my spot to one of my sponsors, ASBIS SK, that provided me with a wild card.

Is it difficult to find sponsors for a professional golfer?

It is certainly not easy but it is lot easier than in United States. Most of the golfers know me in Slovakia so companies consider my offers. In United States I am one of many so almost always they decide for someone else.

Did you learn anything from your last year’s experience?

Last year’s Czech Open was my very first professional tournament. I was very excited and nervous at the same time since it was European Tour event. Now I feel like I wanted to achieve too much too fast which resulted in a very bad stretch of first few holes. This year I will treat this tournament as any other tournament which should keep me in my comfort level where I perform the best. To me professional golf is little different from amateur golf and I learned a lot since last year. I spent lot of time studying sport psychology and applying to different situations.

Why did you want to play again this year?

European Tour event is a great experience and possibility to play with best players in the world. At the same time I want to see how my game progressed since last year.

Who would you like to paired up with?

These players probably won’t even be in the field but I would like to play with Rory McIlroy or Ernie Els.

Only few weeks back you announced that you have a new swing coach, Maros Gajan. Many were surprised by your choice.

I have been looking for a swing coach ever since I got back to Europe. Lately I had a feeling that I was not improving so I decided to seek professional help. I had lessons with multiple big teaching names that also coach some European Tour players but I did not feel like they could help me. Every coach told me that I am making the same mistakes but none of them could give me a reasonable way of fixing them except telling me to stop doing what I am doing wrong. Maros Gajan is well educated when it comes to the golf swing and he gave me many different ways to fix the same problem which included fitness training, motoric exercises, resistance exercises and etc. The way he explained the solutions to me was simple to understand and lot easier to achieve the solution. During the few weeks we have been working together I feel like my swing improved dramatically and I feel like I have control over my game.

What are your plans after the Czech Open?

I will be playing in the first stage of the European Tour qualifying school. I am very certain I can make it all the way this year. It will be more like a trial run for me so I know what to expect next year when I should be ready for it. I would like to play on the Alps or EPD Tour next year and make my way to the tour that way.

Are you going to stay in Europe then?

I graduated from college in the United States so I do not have to return back as early as years before. I will head back to United States once the weather gets bad in Europe again. I will still be able to play there since the tournaments go till second week of December.

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Jeden z najúspešnejších slovenských golfistov. 6-násobný majster Slovenska v golfe. Víťaz slovenského profesionálneho rebríčka v rokoch 2011-2015. Profesionál roka 2015. Prvý slovenský profesionál, ktorý vyhral profesionálny turnaj mimo územia Slovenska. Spoluzakladateľ a hlavný profesionál Best Swing Golf Academy.


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